Process Manager
Monitor data as it is collected in Real-Time. Process Manager provides managers with the perfect tool to organize and maintain a shop-wide quality program at a glance. Display snapshot windows of characteristics that are currently being collected in MeasurLink Real-Time. The data can be sorted by inspection station, capability or timestamp.
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Easily see process information without walking from one inspection area to another by viewing current production across all machines. Show clients your quality operation for the entire facility.
Features & Benefits
Click each feature to learn more.
Designed to display information from multiple stations in a tabular view format. The user can select the type of events to be monitored.
Allows users the highest level view of their shop floor processes. Callouts have a meaningful border color related to tests for capability that have been enabled in each routine’s properties.
View data by part, routine, station. Apply saved filters to data so you monitor only the data that you are responsible for.
Display capability values that continuously scroll on the screen.
Display a snapshot window of characteristics that are currently being collected in MeasurLink Real-Time. The data can be sorted by Station, Capability or Timestamp.
Display process capability across all operations in your plant.
See what the operators see and what your customers will see before product is delivered. Drill down through data to see detailed information. View Traceability, Assignable Causes, Corrective Action, Notes and raw data for current production across all machines.